Owners Richard Taylor and Paul Gaynor are highly skilled European-trained masons. Since meeting in 2008, whilst helping build the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Village, they have continued to work together all over British Columbia and on various projects including Trump International Hotel and Tower , the TELUS Garden Project, Vernon secondary school and many more.
Paul Gaynor
Paul his career in Kildare, Ireland. Whilst apprenticing under a 3rd generation mason family, Paul acquired and honed skills he would later bring with him all over the world. As a mason in Dublin, London, Auckland, Sydney, Brisbane and now Vancouver, his experience is a huge asset to the success of Emerald and Albion Masonry.
Richard Taylor
Richard was born in Worcestershire, England and apprenticed with the 145 year-old construction company Weaver Plc. in the UK. After moving to Vancouver BC in 2008 to initially begin work on the 2010 Winter Olympic Village, his later work included the Vancouver Island residence of the Governor of British Columbia, the 19 Wing Air Force base in Comox and countless high rises in Downtown Vancouver. Richard was also the Foreman whilst working for Star Masonry on Trump Tower and the TELUS Gardens project.
Joining forces…
Paul and Richard decided to join forces in 2014 to create ‘Emerald & Albion Masonry’. Forging a formidable partnership with larger masonry companies within the Lower Mainland, together they have brought their highly trained expertise to the forefront of Vancouver’s masonry scene.
With Paul and Richard’s experience in operating on Vancouver’s tallest sky scrapers and high-end luxury homes and their keen eye for talented masons, they have a network of elite craftsmen in British Columbia.